Flashback to 2007 when we met during our first drafting class in Interior Design school. We had both recently left our first careers to pursue a second career in a field that we were most passionate about. While in design school, we instantly formed a lifelong friendship. Not only did we share all the same interests, but we discovered that we grew up 20 miles from each near Los Angeles, CA and we had both received our Degrees from SDSU years prior. Leia with a BS in Food Science and Kim with a BA in Graphic Design. A few short years later, we completed our Interior Design program and went on to working in hospitality, commercial and residential design. During this time, our families grew and we eventually made the decision to start something of our own. Never would we have imagined what our “small” home decor shop would become and the outpouring of support we would receive.

Fast forward to today. As moms and business owners, we are challenged daily to find a balance between growing our business, raising our children and being wives. Our home offices have been transformed into spaces where we find ourselves working all hours of the day and night, but we are most grateful that our daily commute is within arms reach of our families. Taking that leap and believing in ourselves was the best decision we made. We truly enjoy what we do and are excited to bring our designs to your homes.

Each and every one of our items has been designed by us as a collaboration. The process begins with hours of design research. Once we decide on the design and shop the materials, we create and hand draw a custom pattern. We then sew a prototype. It can take anywhere from 5 -20 samples before we finalize the design and begin production.  We design, ship and produce and/or have a hand in all production of our products. We are also the two behind all of our product photoshoots, social media marketing, and customer service.

The TwentyEight12 team includes our rockstar embroiderer, two extraordinary seamstresses and our precise and detailed fabric cutter. We work with our team side by side making sure each and every product exceeds high quality standards. Without our team, we wouldn't be TwentyEight12.

Owner, Co-Founder, Designer, Mama, Wife, Driver, Chef, Nurse, Teacher
My days begin and end with the chaos of two of the most lovable little boys that I adore immensely. In between the craziness, I find myself completely engulfed in designing, creating, researching, and running a business with the best partner.

Owner, Co-Founder, Designer, Mama, Wife, Driver, Chef, Nurse, Teacher
Never would I have imagined where I'm at today! All possible with an amazing business partner, supportive husband and most importantly three awesome children who are by my side watching and learning what design is and where creativity could take you.